
A hallgatók mobilitását és elhelyezkedését elősegíti a tényszerű és konstruktív kapcsolatok kialakítása, az egyetemek és a vállalkozások közötti párbeszéd elősegítése a borágazatban, valamint az érdekeltek bevonása a fejlesztései irányok, a kompetenciák és tanulási igények meghatározásába.



Students selected to participate in the internship of the TWL project, in addition to the classical activities provided by the university curriculum, were involved in further experimentation to develop "transversal skills" or soft skills, useful to understand, among other things, how to behave in an organizational context, which are the formal and informal codes to respect and how they will relate effectively with colleagues or superiors. To do this the project provided Guidelines for Tutors – a short vademecum to support the activity as academic tutors in following young people in this experience and Guide for Students – to follow their journey in the internship and to prepare them for the mobility experience.

Along the process, users of the internship had some tools at their disposal to better understand and focus on the personal results obtained from the mobility experience, all with the constant contribution of the academic tutors. The main purpose was not only to live a practical experience in the company but also and above all to focus on their expectations, setting goals, through prior knowledge of the company, a self-assessment before starting the path, and a final analysis of the results to verify that the objectives that were set at the beginning of the internship were achieved. In total, 56 students (Austria 22, Greece 16, Hungary 12 and Italy 6) shared insights and opinion with respect to their mobility experience. 

Download the Guidelines for tutors in:

English with Annexes

German + Annexes

Hungarian + Annexes 

Italian + Annexes  

Download the Guidelines for students in:

English with Annexes

German + Annexes

Hungarian + Annex 1 + Annex 2

Italian + Annex 1 + Annex2